Wednesday, May 31, 2006

VS2005 Launch Posters

The first Set of posters have gone up around CSE on Monday! Have a look for them around campus, the next set will be up at BIT

Outside Bugle and Pipe

Outside help desk towards the BBQ tree

Outside help Desk looking from Mech Eng Ball

Saturday, May 27, 2006

"The reason to switch"

I've been seen rather recently some of the mac switch commercials on the bogs and group emails that I have been receiving. So I want to share with you some of the more "serious" and comic ones that exist

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Vista and office 12 Beta

A couple of days ago the office 12 and windows vista beta were released to the general public. We at unsw are going to have the opportunity to receive a copy of the beta CDs to install for all the students.

I will blog again when I get the CDs and start distributing them for students that are interested! There will also be an opportunity to get a copy at the CompSoc install fest early next semester.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Binfsoc Indoor soccer Comp

The binfsoc Indoor soccer competition was held last Friday, and from all accounts it was a great success. On the left we can see some of the participants with with most of them I was told being the winning team. The winners received a copy of VS Express and one of the newly released Windows Vista pens.

Benfsoc can be found at I look forward to other events, which hopefully I can make next time.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Windows Vista Beta & Office 12 Beta

Microsoft is about to release windows Vista and Office 2007 Beta versions. This release will be aimed at computing professionals and also at computing students, and therefore we at UNSW will be able to receive a free version.

Windows Vista will be able to from the end of the semester, hopefully it will mean that there will be copies for any staff/students at the vs2005 launch seminar. There will also be copies of the software available at the COMPSOC install fest to any interested Parties. I am hoping to possible have some sort of install fest before the end of the semester.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

.Net BBQ

I have managed to get a initial OK from all the main societies to host a BBQ after the .net seminar on the 5th June The BBQ will start at 1ish. I again invite everyone to attend the event and hope that we can learn something from the lecture, and carry something useful away.

Additionally Andrew Coates will be the guest speaker, he is currently the Microsoft developer evangelist for NSW and ACT. He will be the lecturer during the event. There will be also other Microsoft staff at the event, there attendance is to be confirmed.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


I'm just blogging abit about MSDNAA, firstly the Microsoft Developers Network Academic Alliance (MSDNAA) is a core part of the Microsoft students services. This pack represents firstly a easy way of getting any development software you might need from the Microsoft.

You can get the software from the Help Desk@CSE in the mechanical engineering building, and remember the news and beta software is available.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Rescheduled VS2005 launch

The Launch for Visual studio 2005 is being post-poned to 5th June 2006. It will be held at k17 in the seminar room.

We have the following events lined up

  • Presentation by Andrew Coates on visual studio 2005 and MSSQL 2005.
  • Microsoft give aways
  • Copies of visual studio Express
  • BBQ hosted by the CSE societies
I encourage everyone to come along to the event and see what there is to offer, also there will be some Microsoft staff at the event so its a great place to network.

If anyone is interested in playing around with the new Visual Studio:

  • Click on the link below to download Visual Studio Express
  • Leave a comment and I will contact you; or
  • the Help Desk@CSE has CSE MSDNAA subscription, so any CSE students/staff can get a full very of VS and other MS products

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Innovation 2006

Innovation 2006 is upon us again, and this year we are being promised a huge line up. I know that at UNSW there has been some positive and negative talk, and more than anything anticipation of what will be included in windows vista. At innovation we will be let into loop of what is going on in Microsoft with the new development of their new operating system.

I would like to also encourage all those people that are converting to the new Mac os, and losing there touch with windows to some along and see what this new huge release will be!

Microsoft will also introduce office 12 and talk about their new product from a developers point of view.

If your interested in the details otherwise contact me and ill help you out any way i can.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Sesoc Trivia

I'm a little bit behind on my blogging so expect some catch-up in the next few days! The first thing that I am going to be writing about is the SESOC trivia two weeks ago. The event is a trivia "challenge" similar to pub trivia that is held by the Sesoc every semester. It is the only one of its kind that is run in CSE and therefore has a unique place in the school. The other thing about the event it has been since the time I remember been sponsored in some way or another by MS.

I was not able to attend the event however I only heard good things about it! I however managed to have a large distribution of Visual studio express and people did take them. This is a positive sign of uptake and interest in .Net.

I will post the pics when I get them.